Roadmap Through Revelation
Author: Rick Schworer
Pages: 186
For those whove picked up Revelation and wondered why Armageddon happens more than once, or which comes first, the Trumpets, the Vials, or the Seals, this is a book that will clearly chart out for you a timeline of events, harmonizing the four accounts of Christs Second Coming.Whether you are new to Revelation or have studied it for years, you will enjoy the short stories that bring Revelation to life. Experience the faceoff between the two witnesses and the Antichrist at the temple. Watch as a living, breathing statue commands the world to worship the Antichrist and receive his mark. Rejoice as the Messiah rescues His chosen people hiding within the rock city of Petra. This book will help to answer your questions with an in-depth look at the three raptures, the seventy-five days between the Tribulation and the Millennium, the differences between the Red Dragon, the Beast of the Sea, and the Beast of the Earth, and Daniels Beast; as well as the history of Baal, Nimrod, and Babylon. Rev. 1:3, Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
Price last updated on: Nov 10, 2023 – 00:26